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Outdoor gear and apparel from Propper provides exceptional performance for military and law enforcement personal, emergency responders, or anyone whose active lifestyle demands tough, reliable clothing. Get maximum comfort without sacrificing function and durability with our wide range of outdoor tactical gear. From pants and shirts to vests, hats boots, and bags, each item of outdoor clothing is made to help you perform at your best, whether you’re on-the-job or off.
Keep your essentials within easy reach in a versatile tactical vest or gear pouch with MOLLE compatible pockets, tabs, and straps. Protect your feet and stay comfortable with AR 670-1 compliant boots featuring ankle support and memory foam insoles. Stay dry in inclement weather with packable waterproof jackets and pants, and cool in the sun with lightweight, UPF 50 hats.
Whether you’re hunting, hiking, camping, on a mission or just hitting the links – never be caught short with anything less than outdoor apparel made to meet your high standards.
Easily accessible and spacious pockets allow you to hold any tactical tool you might need on short notice. Experience top-notch comfort with stretch waistbands, relaxed fits, and comfort-flatlock, reinforced seams for maximum mobility.
Ultra-lightweight, UPF 50 ripstop fabrics offer rapid drying and breathability to help you keep cool on duty and off.
Whether you're hiking through creeks or hitting the training course, our outdoor tactical apparel won't weigh you down or hold you back. The Propper Outdoor Collection is made for men and women who demand the best of themselves and their clothing. We are proud to serve those who dedicate their lives to service. No matter where your outdoor adventures lead you, rely on our apparel and gear to keep you comfortable and strong every step of the way.